Dilliana  is a Native of the Pacific Island. She is the founder and Visionary of H.E.A.R  Discipleship International,  Deborah Network International and Kingdom Leaders International.  

Kingdom Leaders is a ministry that connects leaders from all over the world to impact them to transform nations.

Dilliana travels nationally and Internationally preaching and training (making disciples of all nations).  She ministers apostolically  and prophetically to call forth, build up, equip, and activate the gifts and callings of God in the body of Christ.

Dilliana’s ministry started at the young age of fourteen as a young evangelist growing up in the Pacific Islands. She was encouraged by her pastor to go from house to house sharing the Love of Jesus. Many have come to the saving grace of Jesus through her ministry. She taught Sunday schools and ministered as a young minister under the covering of her Grandfather the late Reverend Matthew Ludwig who later commissioned her and sent her out to the nations. God blessed Dilliana to travel throughout the nations and have the privileged to visit many nations of the world including Europe, Asia,  throughout the Pacific and America. 

Dilliana  was  a Licensed Evangelist Under the covering of Church of God In Christ. Apostle Dilliana was ordained as an Apostle on March 27, 2003, under the covering of  Now Word Ministries, Inc under the Leadership of Apostle Bill Miles. She is Certified to teach, train, certify and activate the people of God in the Prophetic utilizing the Manual for Ministering Spiritual Gifts by Christian International Ministries Network under the leadership of Bishop Bill Hammon. Apostle Dilliana was again ordained and reaffirmed under the leadership of Apostle Stanford L. Young and Kingdom Partners International  to the office of the Apostle on October 24, 2008.

Her passion is her “Orphan Project” were she raises money yearly to support orphanages around the world.  She also works on the “Road to Freedom Project” which is a mentorship program to help your girls from drugs addictions and homelessness.

Dilliana exemplifies the Kingdom of God. Her life openly displays her faith in God and her manner of living are examples of God’s love, truth and wisdom made visible; but above all these things, we see the power of God manifested because of her genuine compassion and love for others.